  Public Ticket #787370
Importing existing forum


  • Roberto started the conversation


    We have an existing support forum that is now very dated. We are looking for alternative suppliers and yours looks great.

    Is there a way for us to move over to you guys and import all our existing posts? There is certain features we would require i.e. subscribing to post updates and control on registration approval.

  • [deleted] replied

    Right now we don't have an import feature unfortunately. Although if you can send over a sample of what you would need to import I could take a look at the data and see if I could match it up properly. We'd need tickets, comments, users, etc.

    As for controlling registration, right now you can't do that but we will have a closed system option soon where you would create the customers from the admin and then provide them with their login information yourselves. We're always looking for better ways to handle things, so I'm all ears if you have ideas! :)