  Public Ticket #654698
A button to take visitors back to main site


  • Dmitry started the conversation

    I love Ticksy, but the problem right now is that it's not on my domain and there's no easy way to get back to main site. Perhaps adding some sort of a optional button to the menu could help?

    P.S.: Love my new Support Site: https://theopenmic.ticksy.com/ :)

  • [deleted] replied

    We do have plans to allow custom links in the header. But for now you COULD do it with some Custom Javascript (from your Settings panel). Something like this should work:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        // Here\'s the HTML you want to add. In this case it\'s a custom link:
        var CustomNavLink = \'<a href=\"https://ticksy.com\">Back to Ticksy</a>\';
        if ($(\'#header.front\').length){
            // Convert the link to a DOM object we can use:
            var CustomNavLinkObj = $.parseHTML(CustomNavLink);
            // Put it before the Sign In/Out:        
            //$(\'#header.front\').find(\'nav .signin\').before(CustomNavLinkObj);
            //$(\'#header.front\').find(\'nav .settings\').before(CustomNavLinkObj);
            // Or put it at the beginning of the navigation: