  Public Ticket #1247199
Drop of the images isn't possible anymore


  • Antonio started the conversation

    As the title says, it's not possible anymore to drop an image in the content of a message.


  • [deleted] replied

    This has been fixed, thanks for your patience!

  • Antonio replied

    Hello Justin, it doesn't actually ;)

  • [deleted] replied

    How large is the image you're trying to drop in? I'm dragging and dropping an 11MB file right here to test it out and it works:

  •  4
    2F_webd replied

    Jumping in here. Antonio and I are part of the same team. 

    Maybe it's related to our account: Alkaweb.ticksy.com

    We also have the same error on articles (see attached image please). 

    Thanks a lot. 

  • [deleted] replied

    I'm thinking you guys have the old JS file cached. I'm going to change the version number to see if that resolves things. Try again in a few minutes and do a hard refresh as well.

  •  4
    2F_webd replied

    Thanks Justin!